miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2021

My Career

 The truth is that it was always my first option to study archeology, since I was little I love history and I looked at the pyramids of Egypt, the Mayas, mummies, etc. and I thought is what I want to dedicate myself to. 

Although I was confident when I was little, when making the decision it was difficult, there are many stigmas about archeology in Chile, they told me that there is no work field, that it is a career that I could not live on. This made me quite sad, although my family always supported me 100%, hearing others say those things affected me, and I came to doubt whether to study archeology. 

When they gave me my PSU scores, I doubted even more, since I was enough to study law at the Universidad de Chile and the Universidad Católica, and law was a conventional career with more labor field, it was safer. But after analyzing it with my family and listening well to my heart, I realized that there was never any other option other than archeology, and that doing anything and everything would be unhappy. So far my experience in the race has been good, it is difficult but it is worth it for me, I am very passionate about it.

2 comentarios:

  1. You must always choose what you really want..in the long term, if you would study law, it would be very boring, for you and the entire world..(personal opinion, of course [I´m kidding too; in a way,,jiji])..Archaeology it's awesome, go for it

  2. Arqueology it so intresting, if u go to the north you must to see the museum of Arica, i went a few years ago and its fantastic


My Career

 The truth is that it was always my first option to study archeology, since I was little I love history and I looked at the pyramids of Egyp...